A collection of Play-Doh projects completed as both a contractor and freelancer for Hasbro. I lead development as the primary designer for all products and concepts shown below. Many of which have made their way onto shelves worldwide.

Initial picnic play set concepts.
Various stages of the product development cycle including: play pattern, spec sheet, turn drawings, and foam board modeling.
Supervised color and CAD development for finalized direction.
Final on-shelf product.
Cotton Candy themed Play-Doh Sand play set concepts
Portable Play-Doh Sand activity box (Adventure/Dinosaur Theme)
Themed Activity Table Concepts: Portable and Standing (Play-Doh Sand)

Additional sand table concepts.
Themed Activity Table Concepts Cntd
Novelty Play-Doh Craft Project (adult concept)
A series of play-set concepts designed to act as both an engaging play space and a storage element for easy cleanup.
A variety of themed storage-play-set concepts were explored to further develop the product idea.
Additional themed storage play-set concepts.
Design development for a duel compound slime-product. The diamond-cut motif was settled upon for an elevated look.

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